Welcome to this week's newsletter

July is a wonderful month for colour in a garden but often you just need to fill a gap in a bed or perhaps add a planted pot to jazz up a patio. You'll find an amazing selection of plants for instant colour right now at the garden centre - including the incredible hydrangeas that are now more popular than ever (see below).


This is also the time of year that a bit of extra feeding can make all the difference to lawns, flowers and edible plants. You really will be amazed at the difference - even in just a few days! Come and see us for all the best advice on what to use - we've got some great offers too!


Just a reminder... Boyle Arts Festival starts this weekend - lots of great events happening - do pop in to see us if in the area. For more info go to boylearts.com



There’s no summer shrub quite so showy as a hydrangea. Huge, look-at- me flower heads open with effortless elegance in midsummer, last for months and come in a choice of colours to suit all tastes.


Flower heads of hydrangeas can be either mophead, with spherical flowerheads the size of melons, or lacecap - with a flat ring of showy petals. Colours include a vast array of pinks, reds, white and even blue, but If you want to maintain a blue variety add a blueing agent to the soil, or growing in containers of ericaceous (acidic) compost. 


Look out for some of the more unsual varieties at Ardcarne Garden Centre - inlcuding a selection of Hydrangea paniculata varieties with tapering rocket-shaped flower heads, turning from white to pink, and also the lovely frothy white 'Annabelle'. 

Hydrangeas from only €8.99



HumberPalmers Professional Lawn Fertiliser

1 x 25kg bag will treat 600sq metres

Special Offer


2 x 25kg bags for €60


Late summer flowers are a feast for the senses, so pack your borders with your favourites to keep the wow factor in your garden right through till autumn. If you haven’t remembered to include them earlier this year, don’t worry: you’ll find lots of in-flower plants in the garden centre to drop in among your other plants for an instant shot of late-season glamour. Here are our favourites:

Crocosmia: delicate wands dripping red, yellow and ochre among handsome strappy leaves

Japanese anemones: lovely pink or white flowers dancing on wiry stems. Good in shade.

Rudbeckia: butter-coloured, swept-back American daisies with elegant dark centres

Penstemon: Spires of foxglove-like bells all through summer and well into autumn

Agapanthus: Gorgeous rounded heads of blue or white flowers on strong stems above grassy leaves.

JOB OF THE WEEK: Feed your plants

JOB OF THE WEEK: Feed your plants

Liquid feed container plants every two weeks to promote plenty of flowers and healthy growth. We highly recommend the new Baby Bio Outdoor range for both Flowers and edible plants. 


  • Pick off and squash any caterpillars on your edible or ornamental plants
  • Water clematis, roses and honeysuckles to discourage powdery mildew
  • Cut back hardy geraniums after flowering
Fruit & veg:
  • Prune cherries and plums
  • Pick crops as they mature and use fresh or freeze/preserve for later
  • Dig potatoes, ensuring you also pick the small ones to prevent them growing among other crops next year
  • Pinch out the main shoot of cordon tomatoes once they hit the greenhouse roof
  • Sow winter salad crops ready to plant out to replace your tomatoes
  • Look out for red spider mite attacks and pick off affected leaves to limit the spread
Around the garden:
  • Hoe weeds when it is warm so they shrivel on the soil’s surface
  • Prune out reverted foliage on variegated shrubs
  • Add a shallow ramp to ponds so frogs and toads can get out of ponds
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