Summer Show filters Hide filters Filter products (Hardiness) Hardy Perennial (46) Hardy Shrub (16) Hardy Climber (3) Hardy Tree (1) Half-hardy Perennial (2) Half-hardy Shrub (1) Tender Perennial (1) Clear selection (Brand) Bella Bloom (14) Schram (6) Youngs (8) Clear selection Clear selection € - Clear selection 1 - 60 of 69 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity 12 Next Achillea 'Saucy Seduction' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Agapanthus Summer Love 'New Blue' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Allium 'Millenium' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Alstroemeria 'Little Miss Tara' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Anemone 'Dreaming Swan' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Antirrhinum Rose Pink € 4.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Aster 'Little Carlow' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Aster Frikartii 'Monch' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Aster Jewels 'Rose Quartz' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Astrantia 'Claret' € 11.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Astrantia 'Star Of Billion' € 10.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Berberis 'Red Chief' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Buddleja 'Unique' € 11.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Canna 'Red Velvet' € 24.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Centaurea 'Amethyst Dream' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Cephalaria Gigantea € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Cirsium 'Frosted Magic' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Clematis montana 'Tetrarose' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Cornus Alba 'Aurea' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Crinodendron 'Alf Robbins' € 19.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Crocosmia 'George Davidson' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Delphinium 'Astolat' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Delphinium 'Deep Rose White Bee' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Dianthus 'Doris' € 6.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Dianthus 'Gran's Favourite' € 6.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Geranium 'Brookside' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Geranium 'Mavis Simpson' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Geranium 'Philippe Vapelle' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Geranium 'St.Ola' € 11.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Geranium 'Striatum' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Hemerocallis 'Sammy Russell' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Heuchera 'Goji berry' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Heuchera 'Orangeberry' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Hydrangea 'Confetti' € 29.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Hydrangea 'Hot Chocolate' € 19.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Hydrangea 'Little Spooky' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Hydrangea 'Merveille Sanguine' € 14.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Hydrangea Quercifolia € 14.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Hypericum Magical® 'Sunshine' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Iris 'Fourfold White' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Itea Ilicifolia € 14.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Lavandula 'Hidcote' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Lavender angust. 'Munstead' € 3.99Options from € 3.00WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Leucanthemum 'May Queen' € 3.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Lonicera 'Hall's Prolific' € 12.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Lupinus 'Desert Sun' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Lupinus 'Gladiator' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Lupinus 'Persian Slipper' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Lupinus 'Polar Princess' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Magnolia 'Kay Parris' € 169.00WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Miscanthus 'Flamingo' € 22.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'Options from € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Penstemon 'White Bedder' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Rhodohypoxis 'Midori' € 6.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Rudbeckia 'Deamii' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Salvia 'Amistad' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Salvia 'Caradonna' € 8.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable Salvia 'Caradonna' € 9.99WishlistMore infoOrder nowAvailable 12 Next